Welcome to the official blog for Villanova's Gender and Women's Studies program! Please come back often for information on events, programming, academic opportunities, alumni news, student accomplishments, and more! Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, March 31, 2016

GWS Student Spotlight: Victoria Rose Vicente

Name: Victoria Rose Vicente

Year in school: Senior

Majors and minors: Nursing, GWS (minor)

Hometown: Upper Darby, PA

Favorite place you’ve ever traveled to: Ghana, Africa

Favorite GWS class: Race, Class, and Gender with Professor Carol Anthony. This class was a wonderful combination of such important issues. It provided me with a didactic understanding of the intersectionality of these topics.

Why do you study GWS/why is it important to you? : GWS plays such a huge role in my practice as a nurse. Understanding that patients are people that experience life through a multitude of different lenses makes me a more compassionate nurse. GWS has opened up my mind and heart to the possibility that differences make us great. We are all unique, but share the common bond of humanity.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The 27th Annual Gender and Women’s Studies Student Research Conference: April 7!

The 27th Annual Gender and Women’s Studies Student Research Conference is coming up soon! The conference will be held on Thursday, April 7 in the Connelly Center. The general schedule for the conference is as follows:

1:00 PM – Welcome
1:10 PM – Session One: Panels – Connelly Meeting Rooms
2:20 PM – Session Two: Performance Showcase - Connelly Cinema
3:20 PM – Session Three: Panels - Connelly Meeting Rooms
4:30 PM – Keynote Address: Lauren Berlant – Connelly Cinema

The panels and keynote address are free and open to the public. Lauren Berlant’s keynote address is titled “On Being in Life without Wanting the World:  Rankine, Isherwood, and Dissociative Life.” This talk is located in a shattered, formally inconsistent, yet intelligible zone defined by "being in life without wanting the world." Reading with Claudia Rankine (Don’t Let Me Be Lonely), the novel and film of A Single Man (Christopher Isherwood, 1964; Tom Ford, 2009), and Harryette  Mullen (Sleeping with the Dictionary), it describes an aesthetics and a subjectivity shaped on one side by suicide and on the other by a life drive that is also, paradoxically, negative, in that it turns toward life by turning away from the world of injury, negation, and contingency that    endures as a defining presence for biopolitically-defined subjects. It suggests attending to and developing a dissociative poetics. 

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Check out the Fall 2016 GWS Courses!

AAH 3005-001
Gender, Sexuality and Visual Culture
Timothy McCall
TR 2:30-3:45
CLA 3040-001
Women in the
Classical World
MW 1:30-2:45 
COM 3351-001
Gender and Film
Susan Mackey-Kallis
TR 2:30-3:45
COM 3402-001
Family Communication
Derek Arnold
MWF 10:30-11:20
ENG 2300-001
Women in Literature
Ellen Bonds
TR 1:00-2:15
ENG 3690-001
Virginia Woolf
Megan Quigley
TR 4:00-5:15
ENG 5000-002
American Modernism: Cather, Hemingway, Faulkner, and Hurston
Jean Lutes
TR 10:00-11:15
GWS 2050-001
Gender and the World
Elizabeth Kolsky
TR 1:00-2:15
HIS 1150-001
Topics in the
Atlantic World
Catherine Kerrison
MWF 12:30-1:20
HIS 3360-001
Women in the Pre-Modern West
Rebecca Winer
TR 11:30-12:45
HON 4900-001
Social Inequality
Rick Eckstein
TR 10:00-11:15
PHI 2420-001
Philosophy of Women
Chris Ma
MW 3:00-4:15
PHI 4900-001
Feminist Theories
Chaone Mallory
MW 3:00-4:15
PJ 2800-001
Race, Class, and Gender
Brighid Dwyer
W 6:10-8:50
PJ 5000-001
Homeless Chic?: U.S. Poverty and Privilege
Jennifer Joyce
TR 10:00-11:15
SOC 2300-001
Sociology of the Family
Melissa Hodges
       TR 11:30-12:45
SOC 3500-001
Sociology of Gender
Melissa Hodges
TR 1:00-2:15
Shakespeare on Stage
Chelsea Phillips
MW 1:30-2:45
THL 5000-001
Religion, Media and Gender
Stefanie Knauss
TR 4:00-5:15
THL 5000-101
Religion, Media and Gender
Stefanie Knauss
R 6:10-8:50

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

International Women's Day!

Every year on March 8, we celebrate International Women's Day. The theme for this year is "Pledge for Parity." Parity means being in a state of equality, in status and pay. IWD reports that "the World Economic Forum predicted in 2014 that it would take until 2095 to achieve global gender parity. Then one year later in 2015, they estimated that a slowdown in the already glacial pace of progress meant the gender gap wouldn't close entirely until 2133."

To help support the "Pledge for Parity, visit International Women's Day here to take your own #pledgeforparity.