GWS invites you to help us kick off the new spring semester with a "Welcome Back" lunch and faculty talk. The event will be held on Wednesday, January 29th at 12:00 p.m. in the Radnor St. David's Room. Travis Foster will be giving his presentation, "Darwin, Jewett, Freud, and the Ecology of Queer Life."
Travis Foster is Assistant Professor of English at Villanova University, where he specializes in pre-1900 American Literature. He is finishing a manuscript on literary culture and affective belonging in the wake of the Civil War, a piece of which is forthcoming in American Literary History. His articles have also appeared in American Literature, ESQ, and the Edith Wharton Review, and his chapter on nineteenth-century queer texts is forthcoming in The Cambridge Companion to Gay and Lesbian American Literature.
His talk for GWS comes from a new project on literature, botany, and the conceptualization of sexuality before sexology.
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