Gender and Women’s Studies would like to give a warm welcome to new
faculty member Kathleen Grimes! Katie received her B.A. and M.A. at the
University of Notre Dame and her PhD. From Boston College this past May. Her
doctorate is in Theological Ethics. Katie’s academic interests include
liberation theologies, calling attention to the pervasive presence of white
supremacy in the Catholic church, critically retrieving natural law theory, and
sexual ethics. She places Catholic feminist ethics in conversation with Catholic
tradition in order to address the challenges of the contemporary Church. Her article Butler
Interprets Aquinas: How to Speak Thomistically
About Sex has been published in the Journal of Religious Ethics. It can be viewed
here. She is also a contributor for the Women
in Theology blog, which can be viewed at here the WIT website.
Katie was attracted to Villanova University due to its
commitment to the Catholic tradition, while also remaining open to other
perspectives. She is teaching Faith, Reason, and Culture this semester.
Racism and the Catholic Church ? It's non-existent....please teach a real course and not your own warped left-wing racial nonsense.