GWS faculty member Judy Giesberg will be heading the 2014 Steven and Janice Brose Distinguished Lecture Series
entitled “Know(ing) It When You See It: Pornography and Sexual Culture in the
Civil War North” November 6th-8th at Penn State
The series is described
as: “From 1842 to 1873, American lawmakers passed a series of measures intended
to protect youth from the ill effects of pornography, initially in response to
similar measures being taken in France and Great Britain. But the unique
circumstances of the U.S. Civil War determined that Americans would have a
different experience with pornography and anti-pornography than their European
counterparts. With easy and expanding access to photographic technologies,
accelerated delivery of the mails, and new customs laws that restricted the
importation of obscene materials, the U.S. Civil War made possible the triumph
of a thriving trade in domestic pornography—and let loose a spirited morality
campaign to stamp it out, culminating in the passing of Comstock Laws.
This lecture series will explore the trade in pornography that came into its
own in the Civil War era and the strong reaction it elicited.”
The list of talks is:
Thursday, November 6 at 7 pm,
NLI Boardroom: “Lewd, Wicked, Scandalous:” American Pornography Comes of
Friday, November 7 at 7 pm, NLI
Assembly Room: “Storming the Enemy’s Entrenchments:” Civil War Courts
Martial and the Sexual Culture of the U.S. Army Camp
Saturday, November 8 at 4 pm,
NLI Boardroom: “Time to Kill:” Anthony Comstock and the Obscenity of War
***Admission is free and open to the public***
The GWS Department congratulates Professor Giesberg on
this amazing honor!
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